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Submission in Marriage: A Biblical Perspective for Christian Wives

Submission is a word that can make some people cringe. In our modern society, where independence and equality are highly valued, the idea of submitting to another person can seem old-fashioned or even oppressive. But as Christian wives, we need to look beyond our culture and examine what the Bible says about submission in marriage.

In the book of Ephesians, the apostle Paul writes, "Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything" (Ephesians 5:22-24).

At first glance, this passage might seem like it's promoting an unequal and oppressive dynamic between husbands and wives. But if we look closer, we can see that the Bible's view of submission is actually quite different. For one thing, the Bible says that wives should submit to their own husbands, not to all men or to any man who happens to be in a position of authority. This means that submission is a voluntary choice that a wife makes out of love and respect for her husband, not something that is forced upon her.

  1. Submission is an act of trust. When we submit to our husbands, we are showing that we trust their leadership and judgment. This can be difficult at times, especially when we disagree with their decisions. But when we choose to trust our husbands, we are also demonstrating trust in God's ability to work through them and guide our families.

  2. Submission fosters unity. When both husband and wife are committed to submitting to each other and to God's plan for their marriage, it creates a sense of unity and partnership. Instead of fighting against each other or pursuing separate agendas, you can work together as a team to accomplish your shared goals.

  3. Submission can inspire our husbands to be better leaders. When we willingly submit to our husbands' leadership, it can inspire them to step up and take on the responsibility that God has given them. It can also give them the confidence to make difficult decisions and lead their families with wisdom and grace.

  4. Submission is an act of love. Ultimately, submitting to our husbands is an act of love. It's a way of showing that we value their leadership and respect their God-given role in our marriage. And when we love our husbands in this way, it can inspire them to love us sacrificially in return.

Additionally, the Bible says that husbands are called to love their wives sacrificially, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her (Ephesians 5:25-28). This means that a husband who demands submission from his wife without loving her sacrificially is not fulfilling his God-given role as a husband.

So, what does submission look like in practice? It can take many forms, but at its core, submission means recognizing and respecting the leadership role that God has given to husbands in marriage. This might mean deferring to your husband's decisions when you disagree, supporting his leadership in the family, and working together as a team to make decisions that honor God and benefit your family. Of course, this doesn't mean that a wife should blindly follow her husband's lead without any input or feedback. Open communication and mutual respect are essential in any healthy marriage, and a wise husband will value his wife's input and opinions.

So if you're struggling with the idea of submission in marriage, remember that it's not a burden to be borne, but a gift to be embraced. When we submit to our husbands with love and trust, it can transform our marriages into beautiful, God-honoring partnerships that bring glory to him. As Christian wives, we can trust that God's design for marriage is good and that following his plan for submission can lead to a strong and fulfilling marriage.

xo, Taira!


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