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Creative Inspiration: Tips & Ideas for your Classroom Bulletin Board

Bulletin boards are an essential part of any classroom, as they serve not only as a decorative element but also as a valuable teaching tool. I am a sucker for an aesthetically-looking board! Plus, I love that they can be used to display student work, showcase important information, and create a welcoming and engaging learning environment. In this blog post, I will share some tips and ideas for creating effective and eye-catching bulletin boards. **Don't forget to check out my Teachers Pay Teachers page for bulletin board decor kits!

  1. Choose a Theme: A great way to make your bulletin board stand out is by choosing a theme that ties in with your current unit of study or classroom decor. For example, if you are teaching a unit on space, you can create a bulletin board with stars and planets. If your classroom has a specific color scheme, you can choose a theme that matches it. I'm an English teacher, so I can get away with any theme really! I'm more of a make it feel like home kind of teacher, so my classroom is basically a second home!

  2. Keep it Simple: When creating a bulletin board, it's important to remember that less is more. Too much information or clutter can be overwhelming and distracting. Choose a few key elements, such as a title, images, and text, and make sure they are arranged in a clear and visually appealing way. Although this is TRUE since you don't want to distract your students-- I can never find a way to keep it simple! I just love this stuff... too much!

  3. Use Color: Bright colors can make your bulletin board pop and catch students' attention. Use bold and contrasting colors to create a visual hierarchy and make important information stand out. Just be careful not to go overboard, as too many colors can make your bulletin board look chaotic. This year I went with the neutral rainbow so there were still plenty of colors without making me feel like I was in an elementary classroom! No offense! I just teach middle school and too much color is distracting for me! Ha! The irony!

  4. Incorporate Student Work: Bulletin boards are a great way to showcase student work and give them a sense of pride in their accomplishments. Consider creating a section of your bulletin board that is dedicated to displaying student work, such as artwork or writing assignments. I use to do this a lot, however now most of our projects will be displayed throughout the classroom rather than on a board itself!

  5. Make it Interactive: Engage students and make learning fun by creating interactive bulletin boards. You can create puzzles, quizzes, or scavenger hunts that relate to your current unit of study. Or, you can create a bulletin board that encourages students to write their thoughts and ideas on sticky notes. This is one of my favorite tips because I made a check-in board with prayer requests which allow my students to let me know how they're doing emotionally! I know, I know... could be a little too personal.. but blame it on my psychology background!

  6. Change it up: Keep your bulletin board fresh and exciting by changing it up every few weeks or months. This will keep students engaged and interested in what's on display. You can switch out student work, change the theme, or add new elements to keep things interesting. This is the one thing I never do! It just feels like a lot of work for me personally- and again... I don't think my middle schoolers really care that much! However, I would recommend it for elementary students!

In conclusion, bulletin boards can be a valuable teaching tool that not only adds to the decor of your classroom but also helps students learn and engage with new concepts. By following these tips and ideas, you can create an effective and visually appealing bulletin board that enhances your classroom environment.

xo, Taira!


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